Tuesday, September 4, 2012

But It's MY Money

I had one of the most embarrassing experiences in my life this weekend.  On Saturday evening, the 'Rents and I took our visiting California cousin and her husband to dinner.  I offered to pay.  We had a great dinner - the food was awesome, and everybody (except Mom who was the designated driver) had a few drinks with dinner.  Everything was great until time to pay for the meal.  I have the server my debit card, only to have it handed back to me along with an explanation of "it's expired."  I immediately showed her the card, which clearly said  08/13 for the expiration date, only to have it declined again when she tried to process it.  I honestly don't know who was the maddest -- me or Dad.  Dad gave them his debit card and paid for the meal, but I was still embarrassed.  We had gotten paid the day before, and I had money in the bank, but I couldn't get to it.  It put me in a pissy mood all weekend. I had to borrow money from my parents to get through the weekend.  If that's not embarrassing, I don't know what is. 

Believe me when I tell you I was waiting at my credit union this morning when the doors opened at 8:00.  I had calmed down overnight but became livid as soon as I got into the credit union.  But the poor teller that helped me was just an unsuspecting soul; it wasn't her fault what happend, but she was the unlucky one that got to wait on me.  She kept apologizing over and over, and after a minute I calmed down.  I told her that I knew it wasn't her fault, but it had to be somebody's fault, and that's what made me mad.  She corrected the problem, and offered to help me in anything else.  Deep down inside I was still mad but it was useless to be mad towards her. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes of course it's your money. This is really a very annoying situation.