Thursday, July 12, 2012

Lessons From The Litter Box

Today's journal entry is from a dear friend and faithful reader PB.  Yesterday evening, after reading in TWIT that it was National Ice Cream Day, PB decided she would have some ice cream to celebrate the holiday.  Things didn't work out so well for PB.

I am an expert klutz but I learn a lot, such as a fail-proof way to avoid eating that tempting dessert. I knew I shouldn't but since it was National Ice Cream Day, I couldn't help myself and went to the freezer and took out a container of Turkey Hill Bavarian Espresso ice cream. I knew I could eat just a little. As I opened the container to see how much was left, it slipped out of my hand and landed on its side in the cat'slitter box, scooping up litter as it fell. Lost my appetite for ice cream. Lessons learned at the Litter Box.

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