Saturday, July 14, 2012

File Under: WTF?

Police: Man throws eggs, stabs girlfriend with pencil for staying out late

LOUISVILLE, Ky. - A man is charged with domestic violence, and police say his weapons were eggs and a pencil.

Metro police say 41-year-old Dana Jones got mad because the woman he lived with stayed out all night.

When officers arrived at the scene on south 43rd Street, they found the woman covered in raw eggs, and there were broken eggs in front of the house and on the street.

Jones is also accused of stabbing the woman in the arm with a pencil.

I don't mean to presume or prejudge, but I think it's safe to assume that Mr. Jones wasn't throwing organic, free-range eggs at his live-in girlfriend. I pay three bucks a dozen for fresh eggs that are delivered to me just hours after they were gathered, and I sure as hell wouldn't waste those expensive eggs by throwing them at someone.  I say if you really want to punish the person, make them cook the eggs.



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