Monday, September 26, 2011

I Squeaked By Again . . . Sorta . . . Not Really

Today was the day of my annual eye exam and to be honest I was dreading it. I was sure I wasn't going to be able to squeak by one more year without having to get bifocals.  But lo and behold, I squeaked by another year. Sorta.

The results of my eye exam showed that my vision hadn't changed any since year's exam, so they wouldn't have to change the strength in my contacts or glasses, thank goodness.  That was great news for me. But I was having some "issues" reading the little card they had me hold about 87 feet away, and then the doctor said the "B" word.  Yep, bifocals.  But my beloved Dr. P said that since I only wear my glasses a day or two a month (just to give my eyes a break from the contacts) she said that there was no real need to spend the money to get a new pair with the bifocal prescription in them.  That was even better news.  Then I asked her what about my contacts - would she have to give me bifocal contacts now?  Dr. P looked at me and gave me a sly little smile and said "What do you you've been wearing for the past year?"  We both laughed and she explained that she changed the prescription last year and that either I didn't pay any attention to what she told me or else I hadn't had any problems with the bifocal contacts.  I'm thinking it was both reasons. She did change up my contacts again.  She wants me to try some new lens that are "breathable" and let in six times more oxygen than regular contacts due to something weird going on with the blood vessels in my eyes.  She said it wasn't anything to be alarmed about; just something that happens to long-time contact lens wearers like me and that the new breathable contacts should fix it.

So technically, I squeaked by another year by not having to get bifocal glasses, but last year's squeaking-by was not really a squeak after all.

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