Saturday, March 5, 2011

Security Tip Saturday

Since I'm finished with my Master's Degree in Security Management, I thought I'd put my knowledge to good use for you, faithful readers, so today we begin a new recurring feature in TWIT: "Security Tip Saturday."

The first tip has to do with protecting you and your family with your cell phone. First of all, I will you some things to do, and then I will explain why you need to do them.
  • If possible, don't store text messages or voicemail messages on your phone; delete them as soon as you can.
  • Clear out your phone history daily.
  • Go through your cell phone contacts and change any generic name like "home", "work", "husband/wife", "sweetheart", etc.

If your cell phone is lost or stolen, the thief can read your texts, and if they are good at hacking, can access your voicemail messages. Using that information, they can piece together parts of your life and cause you and your family more trouble. If you haven't cleared out your call history, a thief can see all of the people that you frequently call, and will be able to figure out that those calls are usually to a loved one or place of employment; once again, more information about you falling into a thief's hands. And though it might be far fetched, a really hardcore thief could go through your address book and call your "home" or "work" and tell them that you've been kidnapped, and demand a ransom. Like I said, it seems far fetched but it does happen.

Please take a few minutes today and practice good cell phone hygiene. You'll be glad you did.

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