Friday, March 11, 2011

Final Final Project Update

We interupt Flashback Friday to bring you the final Final Project update. Grades have been turned in and I got a 97 on my Master's Thesis. After all those weeks of agonizing and stressing and dealing with the smartass remarks from the professor, I got a 97 on the final project. And final grades have been posted, and I ended up with a 98 for this class. I don't mean to sound uppity or anything like that, but honestly with the way the professor was, I was hoping and praying for a C just to pass the class.

And final final grades are in - I've finished this Master's program with a 4.0 GPA. You have no idea how happy I am tonight and how proud I am of myself. Thank you all so very,very much for all of your support, encouragement and prayers over the last two years while I was working on this degree.

This schooling phase of my life is over, and now the next phase begins.

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