Sunday, March 4, 2007

Link Of The Week

It's been a while since I've shared any deep, dark secrets with you, faithful readers, so today I'm going to let you in on another piece of Puddin trivia -- I'm a list maker.  The 'rents say I started making lists as soon as I could write, and I've been doing it ever sense.  I make a list of everything I take with me on a trip (whether it's a DLV trip or just a weekend getaway) and check it off as I pack the items.   I make lists at work of things I need to accomplish that day, and I wouldn't be caught dead going to the grocery store without a shopping list.  It's not that I have to have everything in order, nor do I think I'm OCD - it's just that I am very forgetful and unless I have it written down, I won't remember it. 

I found an intersting site this week that will help me with my lists - ChartJungle.  You can print out a chart or list for a plethora of things, and then check them off.  If you have kids, you can print out a chart for chores and jobs the kids are supposed to do.  You can also print out a chart for practicing a musical instrument.  They have one chart that I printed out about ten copies of - it's a website information list.  You can write down the website name, URL address, user name and password if you use one at that site, and a space for any comments you have.  Just visit and start printing. 

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