Friday, September 20, 2024

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Can't Have Nothing

 While most people gravitate toward old school canned chicken noodle soup, my favorite is French onion soup.  Up until a month ago, I could get it a my Kroger.  But for the past month, I've been in three different Krogers and two different WalMarts and neither of them have the Progresso nor Campbell's French onion soup.  I just did a quick search at Meijer, and was happy to see that the store a few minutes from me carries Progresso and Campbell's.  You can bet I will be going there tomorrow to stock up.  

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Covid 19 Update

 We found out yesterday afternoon that the Old Man's Cousin Cathy has Covid. It is especially hard on her as her husband was just moved from the hospital [where he was for two weeks after he had a seizure and fell and cracked his head] to a rehab facility.  As of last night, he has tested negative, thank goodness. 

Mask up, faithful readers, and stay safe. 

Monday, September 16, 2024

Covid 19 Update

 This is a flashback to spring of 2020.  I heard that a neighbor has Covid.  That's three friends in the past few days that have caught it.  I haven't been around her for a few months, so I'm safe there.  

I'm still not ashamed to say that I mask up every time I go out, and have been diligently masking up for the past few months.  I'm still thankful that I haven't caught it and even more thankful that the Old Man hasn't caught it.

Stay safe.  

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Covid 19 Update

 I got a report about another friend who just tested positive for Covid.  This is the first time he's had it.  Like Diva Stacy, he was cautious and conscientious for the past four and a half years. I heard that he said he feels like he's been hit by a huge dump truck.  TWIT and I wish him a very speedy and complete recovery.

On a related note, for the past few weeks, I have been masking up when I go out.  And I will continue to do so. 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

No. Just No

I went to Hobby Lobby today for more supplies for the Big Craft Project, and had to stand there in the middle of the store and just look around at how they had a fourth of the store all set out with Christmas decorations.  It's not even Halloween.  Hell, it's not even officially fall yet. This is just wrong.  

Friday, September 13, 2024

Covid 19 Update

 TWIT and I would like to wish Diva Stacy a fast and complete recovery from Covid. For four and a half years, she was without a doubt the most cautious and conscientious person I know.

Get well soon, Diva Stacy. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

This Is For The Birds

 For as long as I can remember, my entire family has been into watching the birds.  We've always had bird feeders, bird baths and bird houses out in the yard.  This spring and summer, we've been especially enjoying watching the little finches out on our finch feeder.  They are such cool little birds - hanging upside down on the feeder to get their small thistle seed.  The slots for their feed on the feeder are too small for even sparrows to eat, so the finches have it all to themselves.  

I inherited this love of the birds from my Sweet Mother.  From my viewpoint in my LazyBoy, I can see out the French doors and have a perfect view of the finch feeder and the regular bird feeder.  It's the small things like this in life that bring peace and happiness.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Big Craft Project Update

 I worked yesterday afternoon for a few hours on the Big Craft Project.  I made some good progress. Through trial and error I've learned a lot.  One big thing I've learned is that I have high expectations and have a tendency to pick out projects that end up being more complicated than I thought.  But I am sticking with this Big Craft Project. 

Stay tuned. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Tuesday Updates

 My Favorite Cousin and her Dear Husband visited us this weekend, and we were busy cramming a lot of fun into just two days, so I didn't have time to post.  Shortly after they left yesterday, I commenced on a Big Craft Project I have been planning.  I had good intentions of starting it last year, and even went so far as buying some things needed for the project.  But I got sidetracked until this week.  Actually, I started two weeks ago with getting some supplies at Hobby Lobby, and enlisting the help of a friend up the road who is doing the wood cutting that I need.  I did some preliminary painting yesterday and as I post this I am going to get back to my painting.  

Stay tuned for a picture of the finished project soon [if it doesn't turn out like something a three-year old would make in Vacation Bible School.]

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Ohio Valley Weather Update

 After over a week with highs in the 90s, today is sure welcome - as I type this, it's 55 and breezy, and today's high is expected to be only 70.  I will for sure take it. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Flashback Friday

 This was my first taste of pizza. 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Welcome Back, NFL

 TWIT and I would like to welcome back the NFL.  The first game of the season is tonight with the Ravens hopefully beating the Chiefs.  As soon as I post this I am going to change into my Lamar Jackson t-shirt.  I am still a big Titans fan, even though they haven't won many games the past few seasons.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Back To BSF

 After a four month summer break, I was back at my BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) group meeting this morning.  

I will make this post short and sweet - I can't begin to say how much it filled my heart that every one of my friends that I saw today all asked how the Old Man was doing.  You can't ask for much better friends than that.  

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

More Labor On The Day After Labor Day

 I've labored quite a bit today on the day after Labor Day.  After getting breakfast for the Old Man, I made a pot of chili [that he requested]. After cleaning up after my chili was made, I went through the house and threw out some things that needed throwing out.  Then I went out and did my chicken chores.  To get a break, I went to Walgreens to pick up a prescription for the Old Man.  Then back at home, I did a repair job on our wooden "taters and onion" box.  Now I am taking another break and doing what I love to do every day -- read.  

Monday, September 2, 2024

Happy Labor Day

TWIT and I would like to wish you, faithful readers, a happy Labor Day.  I hope you don't have to labor very much today.  As for me, the most labor I plan to do today is fix hamburgers for supper and take the garbage can out to the curb.