We've got trouble here at The Compound - Trouble with a capital T that rhymes with G and stands for groundhogs.
A young groundhog scared the pooh out of me when I was out changing batteries on the security camera on the barn. I noticed they had dug a new hole by the ramp going into the garage. I heard something and looked around and it was poking its head out of the hole. I don't know who was more scared - them or me. Then a week later a groundhog ran out from underneath the back porch ramp. And one of them has been by the carport. This has got to stop.
I did some research and found that ammonia is a deterrent, so I've been buying a few bottles every week at Dollar Tree and pour it around the barn, in their holes, around the back porch ramp and now in front of the carport. The ammonia seems to help a bit. The Old Man told me not to fill in their holes because they will only dig new ones.
I'm waiting for a call back from the Department of Wildlife, hoping they can give me some advice.
Stay tuned.