Sunday, March 14, 2021

Updates From The Compound

 All in all, yesterday was a pretty darned good day.  

After cleaning the kitchen, dining room and family room in preparation for visiting kinfolk, I went out and de-winterized the Girls' coop.  Believe me when I tell you I was glad to take out their heated waterer and put back their huge family-sized waterer.  The heated waterer is just a pain in the ass to fill; you have to quickly turn it upside down and twist off the base, fill it up with water, and try (key word) to get the base back on.  If it's not on just right, when you flip the waterer back over the base will come off and your legs and feet get drenched. Fortunately their big waterer is a bizillion times easier - just unscrew the top cap off and fill it up and you're good to go.  

Then our kinfolk arrived, bringing with them awesome Mike Linnig's fish, pan fried oysters and the best onion rings ever.  We had a great time just sitting around the kitchen table talking, laughing and reminiscing.  The Old Man even told them that after we get our second vaccines and when it warms up, he wanted to come down and visit them.  

But the day was not without issues.  Once again I was awaken at 3:00 this morning with the damned sciatica pain in my backside.  Correction - it was actually 4:00 with the time change. But I digress.  I took some of the arthritis strength Tylenol, and within 20 minutes I was able to get back to sleep.  But I think a nap will be in order some time today.

Stay tuned. 

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