Saturday, April 27, 2019

Sad Saturday

I knew this day would come - I just didn't know when.  I'm very sad to say that I believe the end is near for my beloved Blazer.  

I was coming up from visiting a friend about a mile from the Compound Tuesday night, when I heard the Blazer make a squealing sound two times.  I got home, and surprisingly, wasn't stressing over it, because I still have the Silver Bullet (aka the Odyessy) to drive. 

This morning as I was getting ready to go to Krogers, I thought I'd drive the Blazer to test it out.  Not so much.  It wouldn't go in reverse.  It would go in drive, but not reverse.

I got in the Silver Bullet and did my shopping, and then called a trusted friend who is a top notch mechanic for Toyota of Louisville.  I told him what was going on.  To make the long story short, next week while I am off on a long weekend vacation, I will either drive it up to a trusted shop on our road (about two miles away) or call AAA and have them tow it up there, and have the shop check it out.  If it is an easy, cheap fix, meaning less than $500, I'll have them fix it.  If not, then I'll just lay it to rest.

Stay tuned. 

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