Sunday, July 2, 2017

Super Sunday

This was a most awesome day, even while dealing with things at work, at The Compound, and elsewhere.

We had a great morning at church - getting to visit with my dear friends G & C from Evansville who made the two-hour trek down I-64 to be with us this morning at WSBC.  Let me just say how much I love those two. They are two of the most awesome people that ever lived. 

Then the 'Rents and I had a good lunch, followed by good naps.  

Then I had an awesome afternoon visiting Diva Stacy like I do almost every Sunday afternoon.  We had a great time catching up, relaxing, and solving the world's problems. 

When I got home from Diva Stacy's, I went out to tend to The Girls, and they were all in a very good, happy mood, running around the pen.

It was a great day. 

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