Tuesday, March 10, 2015

When It Rains, It Pours?

This has been an interesting and tiring day.  We woke up this morning to a very cool house and to the furnace not working.  I immediately called our normal HVAC guy, and he came out within two hours, only to tell us that he couldn't work on our furnace because it was older and he didn't know how.  Yep.  He didn't know how.  So I called the HVAC company that installed the furnace/air conditioner back in 1990, and they had a guy out within two hours.  Let me interject that while this was going on, I was down in the basement with a Shop-Vac scooping up water that is leaking into the basement after all of the two big snowstorm's full of snow and all of the two big rain storm's full of rain.  

The HVAC guy got the furnace going, and said it could possibly need a new motor, or maybe have the whole furnace replaced.  Not what we needed to hear today.  Let me also interject that while all of this was going on today, I did my best to keep my father calmed down, after just being home less than a week from the hospital after quadruple by-pass surgery. 

Long story short, the HVAC guy got it running, and we did some preventative maintenance. The guy signed us up for the yearly service agreement -- which means no labor for any time they come out.  Saving $$$ here.   And we are hoping and praying that all is well for the rest of the winter, and possibly the summer.  But if not, the unit has a lifetime warranty on the heat exchanger.  Bad news, they no longer make that heat exchanger, but they would give us credit towards a new entire unit.  Good news, that credit would hopefully be the majority of the price. So as of right now, we are warm at The Compound.  

This leads us to another drama we are dealing with.  We have a leak in the basement, and I spent a few hours this afternoon with the Shop-Vac scooping up the water.  I'm worn out.  But after I give my supper time to digest, I will be back down in the basement for more exercise and more scooping out of water.  

Through this all, Dad has maintained composure and hasn't stressed out.  That was the main thing I have been praying for.  

As always, I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Brett Rogers said...

It’s a shame that your usual HVAC guy did not know how to repair your broken furnace, but it’s good to know that you were able to find one who knew how to fix that specific problem. Anyway, how is the furnace holding up nowadays? I hope it hasn’t been giving you problems lately. Have a great day!

Brett Rogers @ Flame Furnace