Monday, January 28, 2013

Birthday Reflections

I don't like surprises, so the 'Rents told me a few weeks ago that they wanted to have a birthday party for me since they didn't have a party for my second Master's Degree.  I was only happy to oblige.  They asked who I wanted to invite and I told them my work family.  Sure, we disagree at times, and are even mad at each other at times, but like it or not, we're still a work family.  We put together a list of people to invite, and along with my family-family (the Rents and Diva Stacy) we gathered together yesterday evening, 25 strong.

I was nervous at first, but when I saw everyone talking to everbody else and not being click-ish, I eased up.  It was without a doubt the best birthday party that I've ever had.  And this morning at work, the party goers were talking about what fun they had. 

There was a great mix of my work family at the party - some that I've only known for a few years; some I've known since the day I started at ZCO in 1989, and the rest all in between.  We had great food, fellowship and lots of laughter.  I could not have asked for a better party.  Add to that the 100+ people that wished me a happy birthday on Facebook or by phone or email, and it was one hell of a birthday. 

And here people complain and whine about turning 50.  Hah!!!

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