Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Great Coffee Crisis

Things got off to a pretty shakey start at work this morning. We had the Great Coffee Crisis.
I walked into the lunchroom to put my lunch in the fridge (or should I say "attempt" to put my lunch in the fridge, because once again it was crammed full of lunch boxes. But I digress) and along with spilled coffee I saw parts of our coffee maker scattered all over the counter top. Apparently, the coffee maker keeps leaking and spilling out coffee in the mornings. A very kind coworker has been cleaning up the mess, but this morning she got fed up and left it for the Powers That Be to see in hopes that they would make arrangements for it to get fixed. The coffee vendor sent someone here yesterday but they said there was nothing wrong with it.

You can imagine how an office full of coffee drinkers would react to such a crisis as this. Some started going upstairs to the second floor coffee maker, but it soon ran out, and then upstairs people started coming downstairs in a useless attempt for coffee. By now, the natives were getting restless. The way some were carrying on, you would have thought that we were running out of oxygen to breathe. I'm pretty sure that the trapped Chilean miners didn't act nearly this bad.

Another coworker came to the rescue and started brewing coffee in her regular-sized Mr. Coffee maker. People started grabbing at the Mr. Coffee pot like drowning people would reach for a life prerserver. I think all that coworker did for two hours was make pot after pot in her small Mr. Coffee. At least that effort was able to get a little coffee into the bodies of the caffeine-deprived coworkers and keep them from turning into lethargic zombies.

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