Sunday, September 25, 2005

Link Of The Week

Here in the U.S., we can't watch ten minutes of television programming without hearing at least one advertising slogan.  An evening of TV watching is full of "Have it your way" or "It's the real thing" or the current catchy phrase "I saved 20% on my car insurance by calling Geico."  Well, folks, we're not the only country to be bombarded with ad slogans; they're all over the world.  A good friend sent me a link to a funny site based in United Kingdom.  You enter your a name, and it will bring up an actual advertising slogan used in a commercial or print advertising in the UK.  I spent a half an hour the other day entering my name over and over and actually laughing out loud at some of the slogans. Check out the Advertising Slogan Generator at  and try it for yourself.

Here's some of my favorite slogans it came up with:

Gives a meal a Puddin appeal
Recommended by Dr. Puddin
Puddin is our middle name
There's no wrong way to eat a Puddin
Bridge that gap with Puddin
Tell them about the Puddin, Mummy
Puddin - Australian for beer


Anonymous said...

Well, puddin oops sorry Dr Puddin was amused about the slogan generater and the catch lines or tag lines which came up, according to me who has been in marketing and advertsing for over 32 years SLOGANS ARE THE LIFE LINE OF BRANDS and it is indeed the buzz words of the bazzar ( this is the title of my book* )
well there was time say during the 50's you were not allowed to use more than seven words in a slogan!!! now things have chaged and we do have slogans with 52 words!!! or more.
well for any one with a brand, must have a nice useful slogan and we at Orionexpo can create and maintain this for any one.
Just visit my website and find out more.
Hey Thanks for your inputs any on slogans from your part of the World yes I am based in India.
Cheers Puddin- "Australian Beer!!!! hic hic hic!
Ravi shivram

Anonymous said...

Well, puddin oops sorry Dr Puddin was amused about the slogan generater and the catch lines or tag lines which came up, according to me who has been in marketing and advertsing for over 32 years SLOGANS ARE THE LIFE LINE OF BRANDS and it is indeed the buzz words of the bazzar ( this is the title of my book* )
well there was time say during the 50's you were not allowed to use more than seven words in a slogan!!! now things have chaged and we do have slogans with 52 words!!! or more.
well for any one with a brand, must have a nice useful slogan and we at Orionexpo can create and maintain this for any one.
Just visit my website and find out more.
Hey Thanks for your inputs any on slogans from your part of the World yes I am based in India.
Cheers Puddin- "Australian Beer!!!! hic hic hic!
Ravi shivram

Anonymous said...

Shake the Bottle, Wake the Blgmama,
TBehold the Power of Blgmama,
Things Happen After a Blgmama,
Sweet as the Moment When the Blgmama Went "Pop"- duh?
