Thursday, June 9, 2005

Foul Mood Thursday

I don't usually rant and rave too much in TWIT, but today, I need to rant and rave in a safe place - somewhere I can go off without being in danger of committing a felony.  I'm in a very foul mood today.  Actually, "foul" is putting it mildly; I'm downright mad.  I was 2 minutes late to work this morning, due to traffic being rerouted after a fatal wreck a mile from my house.  I hadn't even fully entered our cubicle, and was actually still in the doorway when a co-worker blindsided me and started grilling me about a particular pump model that was supposed to be built today.  By now, I was fully inside the cube, but I still hadn't even put my purse and bag down at my desk, much less had time to sit down in my chair and boot up my computer so I could give an answer. WTF?  I know I have a good memory, but I don't have all of the factory's schedules memorized.  I exercised much discipline and self-control; I wanted to put my hand up in their face a la Erica Kane, but instead said in a firm voice "At least let me turn my computer on."

I was in an exceptionally good mood before this happened. I was looking forward to the Bats game tonight, and was pumped up over my new healthy eating plan, and damned if this didn't put me in a bad mood.  (Side note: Last night was the first major hurdle I've cleared in my new healthy eating plan: I said "no" when I was offered Little Debbie zebra cakes. If I can say "no" to Little Debbies, then I shouldn't have any problems saying "no" to nachos at the ballgame tonight.)

I'm sure I'll snap out of this later today, but for now, I just want to be mad for awhile.



I'm a firm believer that there is no such thing as coincidence.  You'll be happy to know that as of 12:30 p.m., I'm officially over my foul mood, thanks to my dear friend PhD.  She called and left a voicemail message for me while I was at lunch, and as soon as I heard it, I was over being mad.  It's not like she had anything to do with me being mad, but her message made me forget why I was mad in the first place.  (Side note to PhD: I still carry that article about lifelong friends that you tore out of the Good Housekeeping magazine over 15 years ago.  It's tucked awaysafely in the big executive planner book.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm out of your foul MOOD