Thursday, September 23, 2004

Black Thursday, continued

I was watching Good Morning, America while I was getting dressed for work this morning, and I heard a news story that made my blood run cold:  Interstate Bakeries Corporation has filed bankruptcy.  IBC, the nation's largest wholesale baker, filed for Chapter 11 reorganization and said that they intended to survive  By now, you're probably wondering why I thought this was such blood-chilling news; IBC is the parent compnay of Hostess and Wonder Bread.  'Nuff said.

The news said that IBC had struggled for the past year with declining sales due to the popularity of low carb diets.  Oooookay.   After reading an article in today's Wall Street Journal, I was relieved to hear that Hostess and Wonder products will still be available.  Thank goodness I can still get my Ho Ho's. 

Ho Ho's are my favorite Hostess product.  King Don's will do in a pinch.  It irritated me even as a young child when people would mispronounce the cakes and call them King Dong's.  Read the box, people.  Ho Ho's and King Don's were popular because they were so cool - they were individually wrapped in aluminum foil, and Mom would put one on our lunch boxes for us to have on milk break.  Hostess cupdakes were awesome, too, as were the Fruit Pies.  But Ho Ho's were the ultimate. 


Anonymous said...

Twinkies are going too! it' sad.........I'm on the low can't eat nuthing GOOD........(I think they are part of this company, right?)

Anonymous said...

Yep, Twinkies are probably Hostess' biggest seller.  The big thing at the KY State Fair this summer was deep fried Twinkies.  Not a big Twinkie fan so I didn't try them.

Anonymous said...

Low Carb put them out of business?  How did they survive the Low Fat craze?

Anonymous said...

Hostess actually had low-fat products.  I'm pretty sure they still do.  
Don't hate me if I'm wrong, but IBC might be a good stock buy right now.  Do I need to mention how my KMart stock did?????

Anonymous said...

I have been a Hostess specialist for 30+ years and I believe I can shed some light into the King Dong, King Don story.  If my memory serves me, I believe the original name may have been Ding Dongs in the '70's.  Then I think they changed the name to King Dons.  I am not certain about this, but in between those two names they may have just been called King Dongs.  I'm saying a 50/50 chance.  Anyway, now they are back to Ding Dongs again (there's an empty box in my trash, just went to check for accuracy).  And I believe the Ring Dings that Rosie O'Donnell loves so much just may be the same thing under a different name.  What the hell ever...I'll just dry up and die if they stop making the Ding Dong Ring Ding King Dons!!!!!!