Monday, March 30, 2020

Covid19 Update 3-30-20

With the President saying yesterday that he wants the quarantining (not sure if that's a word) to continue till at least the end of April, it looks like yours truly will be working from home.  Starting Wednesday, I will be working from The Compound.  The Powers To Be decided that two people from our department should work from home, and I was one of the lucky ones. 

If everything goes like we hope it will, I will be able to print documents here from home to the printer in my department at the office, and will have phone calls forwarded to either my cell phone or the house phone.  

I have mixed emotions about working from home for a few weeks.  I would have still gone to the office every day if they needed me, but at the same time I will be glad to stay at home, given the fact that The Old Man has been very worried about me going to work every day. So his worries are over for awhile. 

I will be stationed at the kitchen table from my regular work hours of 8:00 till 4:30, and will only take my normal two 10-minute breaks at 9 and 2, and my 30 minute lunch.  And I will have a Personal Assistant here to help me if needed.

Stay tuned. 

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