Saturday, December 28, 2013

Security Tip Saturday

I know I'm sounding like a broken record, but once again, a friend's home was vandalized and robbed last night, and coincidentally they had posted on Facebook a blurb about enjoying a great dinner at the such-and-such restaurant.  

I can't stress enough to you, faithful readers, to please resist the urge to tell everyone with access to the world wide web that you are eating at the California Pizza Kitchen or are at the U of L ball game or wherever.  Contrary to what we are led to believe, even though we have privacy settings and such, people can and do hack into Facebook accounts to look for this activity and when they see a check-in like the ones mentioned above, they know that those people aren't at home, and it only takes seconds for them to figure out your address.  

Please, please, please be safer in 2014 and be careful what you post on Facebook.  

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