Saturday, January 26, 2013

Security Tip Saturday

I hate to keep sounding like a broken record, faithful readers, but I have to stress once again the importance of not posting personal information on Facebook.  Doing a status update of where you are is even more popular than ever on Facebook these days - everybody wants to let everyone else know where they are.  But I have to say again to be very careful and resist the urge to let all of Facebook know you're at the Cheesecake Factory.  I know, I know - there are settings that you can filter so only certain groups can see your updates; most have it set for only friends or friends of friends.  But within the past two weeks, two dear friends of mine have had their homes broken into and all of their jewelry and other vaulables stolen.  Both of the robberies occured when the two ladies had posted on Facebook that they were at a U of L basketball game.  They had their privacy settings set where only friends could see their updates.  But we all know that people can easily get into Facebook and and hack into anyone's wall and news updates. 

So please, please, please be more careful about posting "We're having dinner at California Pizza Kitchen" because you truly never know who will be reading it.

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