Friday, January 18, 2013

Flashback Friday

Let me preface by saying I wish I had pictures to accompany this post, but I don't.  That having been said, let's get on with Flashback Friday.

Today, I reminisced to January 18, 1994.  It was the morning that we awoke to a foot and a half of snow.  The night before, the weatherazzi was only calling for a chance of a little sleet.  I had already called our old friend and company CEO Uncle Don to tell him that if the roads were too bad, to don't bother stopping by and giving me a ride to work.

We woke that Monday morning to the electricity being off. The 'Rents and I were up before daylight, trudging through the 18 inches of snow to bring in firewood to heat the house.  After Dad had a good fire going in the fireplace, we heard a distant noise of a car horn honking.  The sound got closer, and then we looked out and saw two headlights.  It was none other than Uncle Don pulling into the driveway in his company car, a 4WD Blazer, aka The Teal Taxi.  He trudged into the house, and while we were still in front of the fireplace, he rummaged and got a plastic grocery bag and started grabbing some food from the pantry.  At that time it was unbeknownst to me that he intended on bringing me to work with him. 

I realized what was going on, and put on some clothes and Uncle Don and I headed to ZCO down the Greenbelt.  We were the only car on the road.  At one point, we were on the median.  But it didn't matter very much since we were the only car on the road. 

When we got to work, we discovered that the pipes had burst on the first floor of the office building.  He immediately went to work on that task while I went upstairs to my department.  Imagine my surprise when I saw snow on the desks, floor and filing cabinet tops where parts of the roof had collapsed.  I got as many garbage bags as I could find and cut them open and spread them out over all of the files and computers, and then found a small shovel to get rid of the snow what was in the building.

Uncle Don and I had a good lunch a few hours later - leftover chili that Mom had made the night before, with cheese and crackers and some Little Debbie cakes. 

He was able to fix the pipe issue, and I was able to secure the 2nd floor from any more snow.  And when the clock struck 4:30, we headed home.  We took the long way home, down Dixie Highway.  We had a good laugh on the way home when we saw every liquor store and bar parking lot clear of the 18 inches of snow.

When people mention the record snow of 1994, I will always remember Mr. Toad's Wild Ride in the Teal Taxi and all of the manul labor after we made it to the office.

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