Thursday, June 21, 2012

"Wicked", Here I Come!

The much-acclaimed Broadway musical "Wicked" is coming back to Louisville in September for a three-week run.  And to get everyone ready for it, I think I might be auditioning for a roll as one of the Wicked Witches.  Or so the guys that work for me might think.  In my year and a half of being a supervisor, I had a first time experience this morning with my department when I had to walk over and tell them to please stop the 20 minute story that one of the guys was telling.  And it wasn't easy for me to do.

I've been listening and kept hoping that he would wrap up his story soon but it didn't happen.  I got two emails from coworkers, both of them supervisors, complaining about the loud incessant talking.  So I knew I had to do something.  I didn't raise my voice, and I didn't use a stern tone of voice, but still I became the Wicked Witch Of Zoeller. Until now, the only "bad" things I've had to do was go over and run off visitors, aka campers, from other departments that like to camp out in the cubicle and tell stories.  When they've overstayed their welcome, I normally just have to walk over and point towad the door, and the campers get the hint and leave.  But today, there were no campers and it was all my department.  Oh well.  I'm sure they'll get over it soon. 

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