Saturday, June 9, 2012

Part Of This Thing Called Life

As soon as I post this entry, I have take a shower and get dressed to attend another funeral.  This will be the fourth furneral I've attended in three weeks.  I really don't like the pattern here.  But as the label of this post says, it's all part of this thing called life.

Today, I go and pay my respects and say farewell to an old friend from our old church, Pat.  She lived about a mile up the street, and was also my 4H leader.  They had a swimming pool, and during summer vacation, once a week I'd ride my bike up to their house and spend the day. 

Pat started attending a different church, but we would still see here every now and then at the grocery store or a restaurant or local festival. Then her health started to decline and cancer took over.  But I know she's reunited up in heaven with her husband Tom and her mother Helen.

Farewell, Pat. Thank you for the years that you dedicated to a bunch of young 4H girls. 

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