Saturday, May 12, 2012

Security Tip Saturday

The 'Rents and I attended a funeral this morning where we paid our last respects to our dear friend Lenora.  While we were waitng for the pall bearers to bring her casket out, I glanced up and noticed this sign hanging on a wall in the funeral home. I took a minute and spoke to one of the funeral home directors and told him I was a security consultant and that I was impressed that their funeral home had taken the time to have evacution plans and procedures. He smiled and said "You have to.  Because you never what is going to happen."

This Saturday's Security Tip is to make it a point to know how you're going to get out of someplace - be it a plane, office building, restaurant, church, or even a funeral home.  Take a moment to look around for any signs like this one that was in the funeral home.  If there aren't any signs showing evacuation routes, come up with your own route; the most direct way out would be the best way, but also figure out an indirect way out. Mr. White at the funeral home was right - you never know what is going to happen. 

As always, stay safe and be prepared.

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