Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Congratulations Alfred and Willie

TWIT would like to wish a major happy anniversary to Alfred and Willie Crump.  Yesterday was their 75th Anniversary.  In a time where one out of every two marriages ends in divorce, this is a one in a million couple.  They live here in Louisville, and I would love to meet them and get a hug from them. 

When asked what their secret was to such a long marriage, they said simply it was finding satisfaction and happiness in the little things that life has to offer.  That is wise advice that would help us all - not just to make marriages work but in life in general.

Coicidentally Queen Elizabeth is celebrating her Diamond Jubilee right now.  If you ask me, I think Willie and Alfred should go on tour and visit the country like the Queen is doing.  Staying married to the same person for 75 years is more impressive to me than running a country for that long.

May God continue to bless you, Willie and Alfred.

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