Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Snowmageddon 2025 Update

 We got an additional inch of snow yesterday morning, bringing the total here at The Compound to 13.8 inches.  Yes.erday morning they announced schools would be closed today (duh) and tomorrow.  I can't imagine they would be open the rest of the week.

I was walking past the living room and looked out to find Neighbor Josh out there.  He and his wife noticed the fallen garbage can yesterday morning when they were taking their dogs out, and he came over and picked the can and a couple bags of garbage up.  And he pushed the can away from the road so the plows wouldn't knock it over again.  

The snow removal guys will be here today, hopefully.  They only have a quarter mile to go from their shop to The Compound, so maybe they will knock a bit off of the price.  We are stocked on food and drink, so I don't need to go out for anything, but I still want my driveway and porch ramp cleared off just in case.

Stay tuned. 

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