Thursday, October 10, 2024

Thursday Updates

 It's been a busy few days for me here at The Compound.  On Tuesday, I went to church for the Women's Missionary Union monthly meeting.  Then I came home and worked on  Big Craft Project.  I also spent an hour outside fortifying a piece of the garage where a hole had been dug out by Hogzilla.  Yesterday was my weekly BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) meeting, and once again, I came home and worked on the Big Craft Project.  I am happy to say that we haven't seen Hogzilla in two days.  And the Big Craft Project is coming along well.  

On a down note, the Old Man didn't have a good day.  He was up for an hour or two last night with acid reflux.  So that made him tired and unfortunately cranky today.  He just now said he thinks he is catching a cold.  Where he got it, I have no idea - I mask up when I go to the store, and wash my hands a bizillion times a day, and have been careful not to give him a hug or kiss on the head.  I'm praying it's just him still being tired from not much sleep last night.

Stay tuned. 

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