Friday, September 8, 2023

Flashback Friday


The other day, I needed a little hook to screw in to the newly-repaired garage to hang our finch feeder, so I went to our trusty tool bag.  I was for certain there would be at least one in there.  And I was also for certain where it would be: in an old glass baby food jar.  Sure enough, there were a few in an old jar that was probably as old as me.  

My grandpa was notorious for coming up with great ways to organize and keep nails, screws, hooks, etc.  He would keep them in baby food jars.  Being a carpenter, he also came up with a way to organize and keep the many jars.  He built a wooden spool - there were three rows on it, and he nailed the lids to the wood.  To find what you were looking for, you just had to turn the spool to find what you were looking for and then just unscrew the jar from the lid.  

I would give anything if we still had that.  

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