Friday, April 15, 2022

Flashback Friday

 All week long, I have been thinking about my favorite Easter. I can't remember the year, but I never will forget that special Sunday and the people that made it so special.

First, there was Lenora. She was probably the coolest "old lady" you ever would meet. She was the biggest UofL fan I have ever known; in fact, if you called her while a basketball game was on, she wouldn't answer the phone.
Second, third, and fourth, there was my friend of a lifetime, Diva Stacy, her son Graham, and her daughter Lillie.
We were finishing Easter dinner, which had the prerequisite ham, deviled eggs, green bean casserole and my mother's famous warm potato salad, and were chatting, when Graham said he and his sister never had an Easter egg hunt before. That put all of the adults in motion. Minnie gathered up all of the plastic eggs she could find while Bud and I went through the house and tried to find any candy. Lenora even got into it - we had a new pack of Oreos and she wrapped up some of the cookies in Saran wrap to put in the bigger eggs, and she went through her purse and contributed a small bag of Brach's peppermints. And I might be wrong but it wouldn't surprise me if a couple of the eggs had some wrapped Hall's cough drops in them.
Minnie and I went out and hid the eggs and then Graham and Lillie went on their first Easter egg hunt. They didn't care what was in the eggs - they just enjoyed finding them. Once they found all of the eggs, they wanted to do it again. So we sent the kids back in the house while we hid the eggs again, and again, and again.
Now you see why that was my favorite Easter.

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