Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Update On The Old Man

 It's been a while since I gave an update on the Old Man.

He had his annual visit with his cardiologist this morning. As soon as the doctor walked into to the room, he said "you are the healthiest 86 year old that I know." He went on to say what while some of the blood work numbers were a bit lower than they would like, he said for him to keep on doing what he's been doing, and to see him in a year. The doctor also said "The Lord's hands are truly on you, my friend." This statement came from one of the best cardiologists in the state. But even so, the doctor realized who needs the credit for all that the Old Man has been through with surviving triple by-pass and then the aneurysm.

We are thanking the Great Physician for all He has done for my dear father in the past few years, and for all that He will continue to do in the years ahead.

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