Friday, June 21, 2019

File Under: WTF?

When I got to work this morning, the first thing I did was go to the lunchroom and put my lunch in the fridge.  Let me preface by saying that when coworkers put any food on the lunchroom tables, that means it's fair game.  But I digress.  After I put my lunch in the fridge, I turned and headed back to the coffee maker and on one of the tables I saw a giant Slim Jim. It's not very healthy, but I love a  Slim Jim.  I picked it up and looked at it, only to find that the "best used by" date was 06 2016.  

Let me recap - a coworker didn't want to eat a three year old Slim Jim, but he left it in the lunchroom for one of their coworkers to eat.  

All I can say is WTF? 

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