Sunday, January 5, 2014

First Snow Storm of 2014 Update

The weatherazzi have changed their forecast for Louisville since we last spoke.  As of now, they're calling for only 1-2 inches of snow, and the timing of the storm has changed significantly.  It's 2:20, and it just now started raining; they had originally said the rain would move in early in the morning.  And it's also 56 degrees here.  It's hard to imagine that they are saying the high tomorrow will be zero degrees when it's just a few degrees shy of 60 right now.  Who knows.  

I will be adding to this post throughout the afternoon and evening with updates.

2:20 pm  56 degrees, windy and raining hard

4:00 pm  46 degrees, windy and raining

7:00 pm 43 degrees, windy and raining hard

8:00 pm  38 degrees, slushy rain

9:00 pm  32 degrees, slushy light rain

10:00 pm  29 degrees, light snow, windy

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