Thursday, June 28, 2012

Household Tip Of The Day

First of all, let me apologize for not posting yesterday.  There was a whirlwind of activity from dawn till way after dusk.  I had to pick up someone from the airport and their flight was over a half hour late, and by the time I got home from that trip, I was just spent and went on to bed. But I digress.

I've used the same plastic glass for my morning coffee commute for probably 30 years now.  Yes, the glass is very stained but I wash it everyday and I don't worry about it. 

I read something today that might be of interest to those that want to get rid of coffee stains in cups, mugs, and other containers.

Do you have a cup or travel mug that has been stained by your favorite warm beverage? Grind up some eggshells and drop them in the drinkware filled with warm water. Let it sit over night, and the egg shell will absorb the stain.

I've not used this yet, but when I do, I will report back my findings. 

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