Friday, August 5, 2011

Flashback Friday

Let me preface by saying that I have no idea what made me think of this as I was driving home from a dinner a church tonight, but it popped into my head and I thought it made for a good Flashback Friday. The Flashback has to do with a hoax that made the rounds about 20 years ago before we had the internet.  Back in the day, all we had was regular mail, phone calls and an occasional fax to circulate the hoax.  This one made the rounds through phone calls and conversations.

The story would be told from someone who said they heard it from a relative/friend who heard it from a relative/friend that it actually happened to.  The person, most of the time a woman, had just gotten in her car to drive home from the grocery store.  It was summer, and the weather was unusually hot.  While driving, the woman hears a loud pop, feels something hit the back of her head, thinks it's a gunshot and when she reaches around, she feels what she thinks is her brain.  When in reality, what happened was the woman had bought some canned biscuits, and the heat had apparently caused a can to pop open and spew raw biscuit dough onto the back of her head.

Back in the day when we had no internet and didn't have a quick way to affirm or deny such stories, we had no other reason but to believe they were true.  And had this biscuit incident happened to me while driving, I can certainly see that one would think they had been shot in the head and their brains were spilling out.

Like I said, I have no idea what made me think of this old story. It's just the way my busy mind works sometimes.

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