Saturday, April 17, 2010

What Was I Thinking?

I found a gift card that someone gave me for my birthday, and decided to go use it this morning. Boy was I wrong. The card was from Meijers - ordinarily a store where I could go and drop a C-note without even blinking an eye. But today when I wanted to spend money, I couldn't find anything I wanted.

I shopped in the women's clothing section, and it didn't take long before I discovered that all of the clothes there looked like something the Kardashian sisters would wear. Not that I was looking for something pre-Victorian or anything, but none of the clothes looked like "me." I tried on a couple of tops, but most of the shirts they had made me look like I was six months pregnant; not really the look I was going for.

I was pretty disgusted, and at one point I thought I would just spend the whole card on six-packs of V8 juice, but I didn't. I just bought Mom's yogurt that she wanted and a jar of Smuckers strawberry jam and came on home. Maybe they'll have something there I want before the gift card expires. If not, then I'll stock up on my V8.

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