Saturday, March 5, 2016

That's My Story And I'm Sticking To It

My Sweet Mother and I went up to Hobby Lobby this morning at about 11:00, and what normally would have been a less-than-ten-minute trip took about half an hour.  Traffic was bumper to bumper for a couple of miles, with people trying to get into the elementary school to vote for the Republican caucus. 

I am proud to say that I am a Democrat, but I will go on record and say that while I am happy that what will most likely be a record number of Republicans that voted today in the caucus, I have to ask where are they on all of the other elections that we have?   And I will pose this question to not just the Republicans but the Democrats as well.  In the primary elections when just local public servants are elected, voter turn-out is extremely low.  I urge everyone, Democrat, Republican, and any other party you are a member of, to vote every single time you get the chance. You have the opportunity, so use it. 

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