Saturday, September 20, 2014

Security Tip Saturday

I went to the ATM machine this morning while running errands, and had to wait a couple of minutes for the car in front of me to finish his banking bidness.  When he left and I pulled up to the ATM, imagine my surprise when I saw that he had not finished his banking bidness; there on the ATM screen was the prompt asking "Do you want another transaction?"  Yep, the car pulled off without completing his ATM bidness.  If I had not been an honest, scrupulous person, I could have easily pressed the button that said "Yes" and could have drained the money from this person's checking account without getting caught.  The cameras in the ATM take a picture as soon as the debit/credit card is inserted, so there would not have been a picture of me making the other transaction.

I know we're all in a hurry to get somewhere, but when you're at the ATM, please wait and close out the transaction or else you could get your checking account drained. 

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