Monday, September 15, 2014

Farmtown 2014 Update

Things can change pretty quickly here at The Compound.  Just when Dad said he was going to keep four of his prized tomato plants, today he decided differently.  He pulled up the remaining tomato plants, and as of tonight, we have one very healthy plant left.  I think he's tired of trying to give away tomatoes.

We still have the very healthy and plentiful sweet potato plants, and as I said the other day, they are looking like they will be as plentiful as the tomatoes.

And we still don't know what we're going to do, if anything, to try and rid ourselves of the giant skunk aka Skunkzilla.  And just yesterday afternoon when Mom was doing her daily walk, she spotted Hogzilla, the giant ground hog here at The Compound. 

I'm thinking we should try and get some of those reality show people to come here and catch those varmints.

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