Saturday, September 13, 2014

Farmtown 2014 Update

After giving countless bags, baskets and boxes full of tomatoes to practically half of Jefferson County, the great tomato harvest at The Compound is drawing to a close.  As I type this, Dad is out in Farmtown tearing down some of the tomato plants.   He's still leaving the stronger, more-producing plants up, in hopes of picking some tomatoes in the weeks ahead but they're all winding down. 

Even though we lost half of the green beans thanks to a critter eating the tops of them, and we lost the squash plants due to bores, we still have had tons of tomatoes.  And the sweet potato crop is shaping up to be as plentiful as the tomatoes. 

I remember for the past two years, they've kept a few tomato plants up into the fall, and were still picking until we had a killing frost.  With as hearty as these tomato plants were this season, I'm thinking we can do the same this year.

As always, I'll keep you posted and will provide pictures. 

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