Thursday, April 17, 2014

Life Is Not Fair

There's a lot on my mind tonight, and a lot I want to say but I just don't have the energy to type it all out tonight. 

About an hour ago I made a quick trip to Krogers for a couple of things, and I left my phone at home.  When I got back I checked it and there was a message from a dear friend with a prayer request.  Her Sunday School teacher's five year old son was on the sidewalk by their home and was hit by a hit-and-run driver.  The precious little one died shortly after.  Luckily the police found the bastard that hit the boy.  They found drug paraphernalia in his car so he was probably stoned when he hit the boy. 

I'm just sick at my stomach tonight over the loss of this little one's life.  I commend LMPD for catching the guy so quickly, and I hope that justice will be done. 

All we can do is pray for this child's family, that the Lord will give them peace. 

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