Saturday, April 12, 2014

Happy Thunder Over Louisville

Today is the kick off for the annual Derby Festival - Thunder Over Louisville.  They claim it to be the largest fireworks display in the U.S.

If you remember, in years past, I would be posting about stressing over me and the SF's (School Friends) going to Thunder.  If you've noticed, for the past five or more years, I haven't posted a thing about it.  Because I am not going. 

The last Thunder we attended will be my last, unless I attend when I have a reserved hotel room downtown.  The frustration and anxiety of getting out of downtown back to home is not worth it.  I am older now and have less patience and will happily watch the fireworks from my couch.

I don't regret not going today, given the fact that a lot of people in Louisville are afraid of the teenage gangs and the violence and chaos that they are responsible for.  I've been saying extra prayers for the past week that things will be safe downtown tonight for the three-quarter-of-a-million people that are expected to be on both sides of the river for Thunder.  That's about all I can do.

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