Friday, April 11, 2014

Flashback Friday

A few weeks ago, the fire alarm at work went off, and after only a few seconds of the alarm sounding, the receptionist was announcing over the intercom "This is not a drill.  This is not a drill." As soon as I heard that, I grabbed my purse, cell phone, and planner book and gathered my guys and we all scurried out the back door into the parking lot.  It was an unusually cold day, and it was spitting snow while we were out there.  I had also grabbed my jacket, thankfully.  But I digress.

While waiting in the parking lot, my coworker and faithful reader SH walked over, and we started talking.  She, too, had brought her purse and work bag containing her iPad and planner.  I looked around, and most of my female coworkers holding their purses, and I saw a couple of male coworkers holding iPads.  Then I remembered something.  Back in my school days, when we had a fire drill or even a tornado drill, the teacher would bring their grade/attendance book with them.  By golly, if there was a fire and the school burned to the ground, the teachers would still have their grade and attendance books and report cards would still go out as planned.

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