Saturday, January 25, 2014

Security Tip Saturday

First of all, this isn't really a security tip; it's more of a safety and convenience tip, but it's my blog and I can label the posts however I want. And I know that I posted about this last month, but I think it bears repeating.

We had two rounds of snow in the past week, accompanied by temperatures in the teens down to below zero.  There were a lot of people that couldn't get their car doors opened, and who also spent a lot of time scraping ice and snow off of their cars.  I have a tip for you all, and I can say with 100% proof that it works. 

Get an empty spray bottle, fill it about half way full of rubbing alcohol and then fill it up with water, and spray this on your windshield and windows before snow or ice is expected to hit and I guarantee the snow and ice will scrape off effortlessly.  Also, open your car door and spray this on the rubber around the edges of the door and this will prevent the door from freezing.  And while you're spraying, don't forget to spray your wiper blades, too. 

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