Thursday, January 2, 2014

It's A Great Year Already

It's only the second day of the new year, and it's been an awesome year so far.  Today, I got a phone call from a friend who normally would just text me.  She read my posts on here and on Facebook about how I have been calling friends and actually carrying on a conversation with them instead of just texting or emailing or leaving a note on their Facebook wall, and she wanted to do the same.  We had a great conversation earlier this evening, and it made me crave that personal contact with my friends even more.  I told her how I really missed our phone talks the past few years.  Getting text updates just is not the same.

I urge you in the new year to do the same, faithful readers.  Take a few minutes and call someone instead of texting them or leaving a post for them on their Facebook page.  I promise you it will make you feel great. 

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