Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Technical Difficulties Update

I got a call late this afternoon from the computer shop, telling me that the harddrive in my computer needed to be replaced.  No worries here, because even if they aren't able to copy over everything that is on my harddrive to the new one, I'm still covered because I back up everything on my computer on a weekly basis.  I have an external harddrive that connects through a USB port and it was the best $75 that I have ever spent. 

So let this be a lesson to you, faithful readers.  If you don't currently have an external harddrive to backup everything on your computer harddrive, you need to go buy one and start backing up.  Just think of the hundreds or possibly thousands of pictures that some of you have on your computer.  If your computer crashes there's a big chance you have lost all of those priceless pictures forever. 

Please backup, and backup on a regular basis. 

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