Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Would It Have Been Any Different?

After a two-day delay due to Saturday's storm damage, Jefferson County Public Schools finally started back today.  Parents came to work late today so they could make a trip to school for their kids' first day, but not before taking pictures of the kids before leaving for school and then posting the pictures on Facebook. I think it's cool - I enjoy looking at the pictures of my friends' and coworkers' kids and seeing how much they've grown. But today, I started to think back about my first days of school.  My parents never took a picture of me on my first day of school.  It's not because they didn't care; it's just that nobody did that when I was a kid.  Then I wondered some more.  I wondered if we'd had digital cameras and computers and Facebook back when I was a kid, would my parents' have taken my picture on the first day of school?  I don't know.  If The 'Rents were home right now, I'd sure ask them. But somehow, I don't think they would have.

1 comment:

Toots said...

Tommy has taken a photo of our kids on the first day of school every year since they started. Just fun to look back on them once in awhile and see how they've changed.