Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Second Year Of Trying New Things

If you've had the pleasure of eating breakfast out with me, one thing you know about Puddin is the only way I will eat my egss is with the yellows hard. I can't stand a runny yellow on my plate. I'm not sure where this came from, since all of my family ate their fried eggs with the yellows runny. But I digress. This morning, the 'Rents and I trekked out to our local Cracker Barrel to meet some friends from church for breakast. The older couple that invited us ordered first, and I listened with rapt attention as the lady gave her egg instructions to the waitress. She told her she wanted her eggs "basted." This was a new egg cooking style to me - I'd never heard of basted eggs before. The waitress then asked how she wanted them cooked and the lady told her medium. When it came to my turn to order, I thought I'd be brave and try the basted eggs, too. And of course, I told the waitress "hard". Imagine my surprise when she brought our plates and my two eggs looked like normal over-easy fried eggs. I didn't want to send the plate back and tell them just break the yolks and fry those suckers hard, so I decided to buck up and attempt to eat the runny yellows. After one bite I was hooked.
Now, for the record, the yellows weren't running all over the plate - they were more on the congealed side, but still a bit runny. But I liked them. I'm not sure I'll continue to eat my fried eggs with the yellows runny or slightly congealed, but at least I tried them and it didn't kill me. As for the "basted" part, well, the jury is still out on that one. Maybe one of my faithful readers can enlighten me as to what basted eggs are all about.


Lynne said...

My mother used to make pancakes and scrambled eggs. I disliked syrup touching my eggs, and to this day still don't like it, lol. Just different strokes for different folks!

Puddin said...

I don't mind if the foods touch on my plate - unless it would be extremely runny egg yellows getting all over my bacon or hashbrown casserole or whatever else was on my plate. I just don't like foods mixed up. For example, there's no way in hell I would try one of those KFC Bowls. But I agree with you - I wouldn't want syrup touching my eggs, either.

Aunt Barb said...

I always order mine, over easy, med ~ so they are barely runny