Wednesday, February 25, 2009

File Under: WTF?

About six weeks ago, I received an email from the fine folks at the American Diabetes Association, telling me about the 2009 Tour de Cure. It's held in May this year, as opposed to the August date last year, but more on that in a forthcoming TWIT journal entry. Anyhoo, the email was about how if we preregistered for the Tour de Cure by the end of January, we would get a very cool long-sleeved t-shirt that said (appropriately) "In Training for the Tour de Cure." Plus, you'd get $10 off of the regular registration fee. I'm all about savings so I registered early to save some money. After all - we are in a recession and need to save any way we can. But I digress. Today when I got home from work, I looked at the corner of the kitchen counter, where my mail usually is, and imagine my surprise when I saw a big white envelope containing my cool t-shirt. Imagine my shock when I saw written in bold magic marker on the big white envelope "Postage Due $1.54." Yep, the fine folks at the ADA didn't have enough postage on the free t-shirts they were sending out. Dad forked over the $1.54 to our mailman, who Dad said was getting irritated by the incident. He also said the mailman told him "You can either pay it or I'll have it sent back." WTF is all I can say.

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