Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Happy National Pancake Day

TWIT would like to wish all faithful readers a very happy National Pancake Day. It's also Fat Tuesday, which we all know as the day before Lent starts. It's no coincidence that Pancake Tuesday is on Fat Tuesday. It goes way back to the old school Catholics. Anything the Catholics could not eat or drink during the fasting period of Lent was consumed the day before Ash Wednesday, thus giving us Fat Tuesday. Way back in the day, the Catholics had strict rules that prohibited the eating of all dairy products during Lent, so pancakes were made to use up the supply of eggs, milk, butter and other dairy products hence the name Pancake Tuesday.

Needless to say, Pancake Tuesday has become one of my favorite days of the year. In keeping with tradition, this morning we held our twelfth annual Pancake Tuesday breakfast at The Compound before work. This has become a tradition with the 'Rents and me and our old friend and my co-worker SH. This morning, the kitchen and dining room was decorated with about 200 strands of Mardi Gras beads of all shapes, sizes and colors. And a mess of pancakes was consumed by all.

If you haven't had your pancakes yet, never fear - there's still time. If you live close to an iHOP, you can go there tonight until 10:00 and get a free short stack (three pancakes). Yep, free pancakes. All they ask is that you give a donation to the Children's Miracle Network. So get off of the computer (after you read TWIT, of course) and head on over to iHOP. And maisez les bon temps roulez!

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